Seeing as the Switch Online service enables players to play old retro classics online with friends and the Nintendo 64 was well known for its 4-player multiplayer fun, it would only make sense for Nintendo to include some of its most famous multiplayer titles.
RELATED: Rumor: Nintendo 64 Games Leak for Switch N64: Multiplayer Fun Assuming this happens relatively soon or event at all, there's a clear baseline of what games to expect from the service. While some believe that the Game Boy is next, Nintendo 64 would certainly make sense, especially with the recent Super Mario 3D All-Stars showing that a Nintendo 64 emulator is already up and running on the hybrid console. With such a large catalogue of titles to choose from, there's certainly no shortage of games that could be included in a Nintendo 64 online pack. First launching the Nintendo Entertainment System app in 2018 and the Super Nintendo app in 2019, many Switch owners believe that the console is overdue for a Nintendo 64 application, which could pack in a collection of old 64-bit titles to play with a Switch Online subscription. Since the Nintendo Switch Online service first launched just over two years ago, Nintendo has rewarded its fans with the ability to play old classics, free of charge, through the ease of the Nintendo Switch Online apps.